
When I was at the Linux Live show in London, I was introduced to yet another social networking site called Lintopia.

I don’t know much about it, but I registered and thought I’d share it. It aims to be a site for people involved in open source software. I haven’t had time to see what it offers over other sites that might be open source specific except for the “project” section (I added OpenNMS).

The only social networking site I somewhat frequent is LinkedIn (and to a lesser degree the more European-centic Xing) so I’m not sure what will happen with Lintopia, but its open source focus at least makes it interesting to me so I thought it might interest others..

One thought on “Lintopia

  1. That site has been spamming me and my friends like crazy recently. They’ve sent the same email to all the email addresses I’ve used to post to public lists. I think they’ve been harvesting list archives. It’s really, really obnoxious.

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