Dev-Jam 2008 Dates and Location Set

Well, I’m suffering through my usual post holiday depression. It’s not that the holiday is always that great, but in the run up to the actual time off I plan on doing a lot more than actually gets done, and then feel bad about it when the new year comes and I didn’t do much more than visit with friends, read, play with the Wii and drink scotch.

Note: I splurged on a 33 y.o. Glendronach during one of my layovers at Gatwick. It was mighty nice for a Speyside (I tend toward Highland) although I seriously blew my lunch money for, I dunno, a decade.

But one thing that can get me out of the doldrums is thinking about Dev-Jam, the OpenNMS annual developer’s conference. As much as the Internet can facilitate all sorts of remote collaboration, nothing beats spending some time face to face. This year it is a departure from our usual UMN haunt and we are heading for Atlanta.

There are several reasons for this. We have a lot of international contributors and thus Atlanta offers a good international airport (ATL). It is also close enough to the main office that we can drive down, saving on airfare. Plus, Atlanta can be a fun town.

It will be hot, however. Atlanta in the summer is like being on the inside of a napalmed watermelon (apologies to Tom Robbins).

So reserve the dates: 27 July to 1 August (once again between OSCON and LinuxWorld). We’ll post more info as we get closer.

3 thoughts on “Dev-Jam 2008 Dates and Location Set

  1. C’mon, it doesn’t get THAT hot here. My shoes didn’t melt to the sidewalk a single time last summer. If you stand still long enough for that to happen, the kudzu will get you, so it’s a double motivation to keep moving.

  2. Uh, I was in a wedding the first week in August in Atlanta last year. It was outdoors, and even at 10 in the morning it was still amazingly hot. When I got back to the hotel room and kicked off my shoes, the sole of the shoe parted from the rest of it. I am not making this up. Granted, they were old shoes, but still.

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